The topic "Saka no Ue no Kumo" is a full-length historical novel written by a Japanese novelist in name of Ryotaro SHIBA. Mainly, Russo-Japanese War and historical backdrop are illustrated in it. I purchased this novel 3 years ago, when the NHK special TV drama (
http://www9.nhk.or.jp/sakanoue/ )was generally popular among some Japanese. Although I did not watch it all, it had become a popular topic of conversation. Until then, I rarely read historical novels, because I had thought those kind of stories were masculine. When I started reading, good old days were described well. The leading characters are AKIYAMA brothers who will be lieutenant commanders in the future, whereas Shiki MASAOKA, a literary person who established haiku turned up in the story. However, I had given up to read in the thick of the fight, because it is too grievous for me to continue reading further. Last month, I glanced at the rebroadcast, and restarted reading. Finally, I could read it to the last, because I may have a change of heart during 3 years, and interested in knowing reasons why everything are decided. Recently, I suppose that all things have reasons, even if the reasons are either good conscience or evil conscience. In addition, this story is researched the fact deeply, especially such a serious story, the author would not write without unshaken evidences. In fact, he had taken 4 years to investigate the materials, and 5 years to write this novel. The novel is mainly illustrated the Japanese by the Japanese. Therefore, if I have an opportunity, I would like to touch the opposite or third position story someday.
Thank you for your reading to the end.
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