Sunday, 20 November 2011

French Cuisine

As I mentioned at the introduction, cooking is my hobby.  Today, I had shared the precious time with my friends, one of whom is a teacher of French cuisine.  We had cooked mussels from Mont Saint-Michel, France,  the dish in the name of Mousles mariniere.  Main dish was a pheasant from France.  In Japan, chicken legs are good in comparison with breasts because of feeling leg elastic.  However, in France is the opposite state.  The bird breasts are good places to taste it.  The menu in French was Faisan en deux services, les filet roti, les cuisses confit au chou, jus de faisan au thym.  The taste of mixed pheasant's juice and cabbage was extreme.  The dessert was tarte pomme au calvados, glace au caramel, which was simple but exquisite, and flavoured calvados.  I supppose that cookings especially fishes and birds are anatomy and subjects such as biology, science and math, because we have to know various body parts and structures, such as the place of joints and bones.  We will not be able to have a great food without knowing them.  Still the French have a really good appetite for food. It is certain the Japanese as well.

Thank you for your reading to the end.

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