We visited two wineries of Pfaltz. The first one was VON BUHL (
http.://www.reichsrat-von-buhl.de/ ). This winery is exported to Japan well, so someone may have a look and taste once. I think this cost performance are good. We could tasted 5 kinds of wine there. 1) 2009er Reichsrat von Buhl Riesling Sekt b.A. -brut 2) 2010er VON BUHL Riesling QbA-dry which wine was elected to the 1st prize of Neustadt 3) 2010er UNGEHEUER FORST Riesling Grosses Gewachs - dry 4) 2010er JESUITENGARTEN FORST Riesling Spatlese - noble sweet 5) 2008er Reichsrat von Buhl Spatburgunder Rotwein QbA - dry
The second winery was Weingut Friedrich Becker (
http://www.friedrichbecker.de/param/1/startseite.html ). We tasted 7 kinds of wine there. Their making red wine may be made in the most northern place in the world. Fortunately, we could visit their vineyard and see the grape of gewurttraminer. We were learned which botrytis cinerea is good or not to make sweet wine. It was obvious that grapes like a raisin is a good grape for making it.
Thank you for your reading to the end.
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